Centre Determined Grades
Summer 2021
On 6 January 2021, the Minister of Education, Peter Weir MLA, cancelled all CCEA GCSE, AS and A2 examinations scheduled for January, February, May and June 2021. Instead, by Formal Direction of the Minister dated 2 March 2021, the approach to awarding grades in Summer 2021 will be based on teacher professional judgements, with moderation.
This summer schools and colleges have been asked to award a grade that reflects a students knowledge, understanding and skills based on the specification content that the school/college has covered. These grades will be referred to as Centre Determined Grades (CDG’s).
No algorithm or statistical adjustment to grades will be involved this year. Grades will be based on teacher judgement using evidence selected by the centre, following the alternative arrangements process set out by CCEA. Grades submitted to CCEA are not final until they are released in August 2021 and may be subject to change.
CCEA has stated that centres cannot share the centre determined grades they will submit with students in advance of them being issued by CCEA on results day (August 2021).
Belfast Met’s Centre Determined Grade Policy
It is a requirement of the CCEA process that we put in place a “Centre Determined Grade Policy” and are clear with students, parents and carers about:
- Our college approach to arriving at grades for students completing qualifications this summer.
- The type of assessment or evidence of a student’s performance we will use to determine this grade.
- The contingency assessments or evidence we will use where the agreed evidence is not available for individual students.
Please view the short CCEA video below and use the following links to access the College CDG policy and other useful information: