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Make Belfast Met Your First Choice for A-Levels


Make Belfast Met your first choice for A-Levels, with a wide range of subjects to choose from, there is something for everyone. You will study at our Titanic Campus where you will find modern facilities and a real university feel, where our dedicated staff will help prepare you for future study and employment.

We recognise that for many learners A-Levels are a pathway to university, and you will be supported through the completion of your UCAS application. The College maintains strong partnerships with local universities to enhance progression opportunities and many of our students have achieved exceptional academic success whilst others have progressed directly into employment or other training. Our dedicated careers service is always available on campus to support you in your next steps.

Supporting you in achieving success in your A-Levels is our priority and you will be allocated an Advisor of Studies who will work with our Year Heads and College management to ensure you have the best learning experience possible. This high level of pastoral care and support for learners is one of our key strengths and 93% of our A-Level students agree that Belfast Met is a great place to study.


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Belfast Met Apprenticeships


The college takes great pride in the fact our A-Level curriculum is wide and varied, offering up to 16 subjects each year to cater for the specialist interests and abilities of students from a broad spectrum of academic and social backgrounds. The variety of our curriculum offer is matched by the quality of teaching at the college; last year almost 98% of students achieved pass grades with 72% achieving grades A*-C.

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