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Careers and Employability Service

Good advice gets you on the right path


Belfast Met’s Careers and Employability Service offers support to help you to make important decisions about your education, your training and your career development.

You may want help to identify the course that is right for you, to develop your career ideas or to progress to a job or a higher course of study.

Whatever your goal, we offer a professional, impartial and confidential careers education, information, advice and guidance service to help you to make effective career decisions to take your next step.


We provide guidance to help you to:

  • Understand and realistically assess your career options
  • Make effective career decisions
  • Understand the job/course search process
  • Prepare for selection processes
  • Succeed in reaching your goals

We can help you to get:

Access to opportunities for skills development, work experience and employment through:

  • Meeting employers at our Jobs Fairs and through our Employer Presentations/Talks
  • Advertising job vacancies through our college resources

Access careers information and resources on:

  • Employers
  • Courses in further and higher education
  • Job opportunities

Remember - a career is about more than just getting a job, although getting a job is an important part in your career development.

A career is made up of a number of different stages in your working life and is described better as a pathway or a series of steps e.g. education, training, employment, further qualifications, job changes through promotion or other personal changes in your life.

Careers guidance is professional help that you can access to develop your career pathway.

Contact Us

Contact us initially by email: or phone 028 9026 5066. We will provide the support you need by either telephone, email, on campus, or via online Teams audio or video call.

If you are a Belfast Met student you can also refer to the extensive information materials available on our Careers Canvas page.



Follow us for the latest careers news, events and opportunities.

Facebook: Belfast Met Careers Service

Twitter: @Careersbmet

Instagram: @careersbelfastmet


Download our Moving On Up Booklet 


The Careers and Employability Service welcomes all feedback (comments, compliments and complaints) and will aim to respond quickly. In the first instance email any feedback to

All personal information provided to the service is stored in accordance with UK data protection legislation. The College Careers and Employability Service holds Matrix Accreditation.




Moving Into FE & Moving Up to HE

Find out all you need to know about moving into Further Education & moving  up to Higher Education at Belfast Met.

Careers, Employability & Student Funding Services

Donna-Marie French, Careers & Employability and Student Funding manager, provides an overview of the College’s Careers and Employability and Student Funding Services and how both services can support you before coming to study with us. 

Got a question for Careers? Email or phone 028 90265066 

Got a question for Student Funding? Email or phone 028 90265183

Learn more about Student Funding