Rugby Fever at Belfast Met

Ulster Rugby CEO Shane Logan recently visited the highly successful Belfast Met Rugby Academy. He spoke to staff and players to motivate them towards pursuing a career in rugby. Belfast Mets rugby academy currently has a number of students completing internships with Ulster Rugby.
The academy is the first of its kind for U18 students combining full time academic study and rugby training concentrating on to strength and conditioning, technical and tactical game understanding. The Sports Science Academic Staff at the college are providing full support with regards to the strength and conditioning, sports psychology as well as team and individual video analysis. A competitive fixture list is currently being developed with a variety of schools for the academy which hopes to recruit players with transferable skills from the likes of GAA, soccer and general athletics who would be interested in playing rugby at a high level. The pathway on completion of the course will be either onto Higher Education, Elite sport or a career in the sports & fitness industry.
The Academy hopes to develop strong links with local clubs providing an alternative route for talented youngsters to get involved with senior rugby.