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OPEN your future

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The marketing managers of the Further Education (FE) Colleges in Northern Ireland came together today to launch the next round of College Open Day Dates for 2018 under the banner “OPEN your future”.

Open days are an excellent opportunity for prospective students of all ages to learn more about the wide range of courses and facilities available at their local College. The FE College’s offer high-quality technical and professional education and training for young people, adults and employers across Northern Ireland.

The role of professional and technical education has never been more vital to the growth and prosperity of Northern Ireland's economy. The colleges play a key part in helping people to get a job, keep a job and find a better job.

Beverley Harrison, Director of Further Education, Department for the Economy: “FE colleges provide clear progression routes to higher education, training, and employment. Attending an open day is a great way to find out more about the range of learning opportunities available, view first-hand the state-of-the-art facilities and hear about the quality learning and support services. I would encourage all potential students to take the opportunity to attend one of the open days taking place over the next few months.”

The FE colleges are the main providers of professional and technical education and training in Northern Ireland. As a key driver of the economy, the FE colleges play a critical role in providing skills solutions to industry and in increasing the overall economic competitiveness. Finally, FE colleges by providing positive progressive pathways for learners and focusing on improving the skills of our people, are having a direct impact on social inclusion at a local and a regional level.

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