Learner Voice Practitioners Network Award 2016

In June 2016 Belfast Met Students’ Union was awarded first place in the Overall Institution category at this year’s LVP Network Awards. The judges were very impressed by our submission and had no doubt in awarding us first place due to our excellent process and buy in by senior management.
Learner Voice Practitioners Network: Awards 2016 Winners
We are delighted to announce the winners of this year’s awards. This year the standard of entry was excellent and we delighted to see a huge range of impact and innovation across the sector.
Institution Winner
First Place – Belfast Met College
The submission showed both a determination to work towards to ensuring the Learner Voice but also a dedication to making sure that quality is at the heart of this process. An excellent example of embedding Learner Voice within an institution over time and building by being sustainable and strategic with their vision.
Second Place - Bournemouth and Poole College Students' Union
An excellent example of making sure Learner Voice is led and executed by Learners. A very impressive way of embedding Learner leadership within their output
Third Place – Newham College of FE
A wide range of activity has undoubtedly made a positive difference to the Learners of Newham College. A focus on measurable impact is an excellent example of best practice which is clear from the results achieved.
Highly Commended: City Plymouth College, City and Islington College and Derwen College
Staff winner
First Place – Helen Griffiths – Walsall College
It is obvious in this submission that Helen goes above and beyond in her role and hold a great level of respect from her Learners. Helen does an impressive amount and exemplifies excellence in the work she does. There are clear examples of Helen’s passion throughout this submission and the warmth in which the submitter writes about Helen shows further evidence of this.
Second Place – Sue Richards and Teriann Burgoyne – Derwen College
Sue and Teriann have shown their dedication and passion to their roles throughout this year. This especially comes across from their work supporting their Learners at both local and national levels. It is even more impressive when you acknowledge the short length of time they have been in post.
Third Place – Stephen Stroud – Blackpool and the Fylde College
Stephen has shown what can be achieved when working with dedication over multiple years. There are very clear impacts that Stephen has had on Blackpool and the Fylde College and it is impressive to see the journey he has taken his Learners on. This is obvious from the warmth of the message from an ex-president.
Highly Commended: Cordelia Cembrowicz, Fontayne Fernay-Debrett, Linsey Fry, Sarah Laszlo
Thanks to all those who entered, Trophies and Certificates will be sent out in the near future.
North Region Staff Award Winner - Christina Donovan - Wigan and Leigh College
North Region Institution Award Winner - Seashell Trust
North Region Institution Award Runner-Up - Bradford College
North Region Institution Award Highly Commended - Newcastle College
NUS Awards 2016
This year we were shortlisted to 1 of 4 Colleges for the Further Education Students’ Union of the Year at the National Union of Students Awards 2016. These awards were for recognition of the work taking place in Students’ Unions throughout the UK. The awards ceremony took place in Liverpool, which was attended by over 800 people from Universities and Colleges all over the UK.
Student Council Elections
On the 13th & 14th of October we held our Student Council Elections, where we had 20 candidates running for 10 positions. Due to the number of candidates we had to extend the elections over 2 days rather than the normal 1 and had almost 1200 votes.
Student Sabbatical Officer (Student President)
This year for the first time the Students’ Union has received funding to elect a paid Student President. Louise Meek, a HND Broadcast Journalism student, was democratically elected in May 2016 and took up her post in August 2016. Louise will take a year out of her course to fulfil the position and will be an integral part of the growth of the Students’ Union during her tenure.
Class Rep Training
We have recently been out at each campus speaking to this years elected class reps to provide them with information on their role for the year ahead. Attendance was our highest so far with approx.150 reps attending over the 3 campuses.
Apprentice Engagement Day
On the 11th of October we had an Apprentice Engagement Day where we had the Apprentice Engagement Officer from NUS come to speak to a group of our students. He took workshops and gave them information on employment rights, funding available, and discounts available for apprentices etc.
- Public Affairs Day – A group of our Student Council will go to Stormont to speak face to face with politicians and get an idea what goes on in their roles.
- Starting up of sports teams, clubs and societies
Sports; Rugby, Gaelic Football, Basketball, Ladies Sports (variety of sports on a Wednesday afternoon), Ladies Football, Cross Country & Athletics.
Clubs/Societies – There has been interest this year in; Christian Union, LBGT Society, British Sign Language Club, Islamic Society.
- FEstival – Overnight residential for student council, with training and workshops provided by NUS-USI.
- Class Rep Roadshows (Learner Voice) – The first round of class rep roadshows will take place at the end of November. This will involve the Students’ Union travelling around each campus speaking to students about issues to allow a report to be written and sent to the Senior Management Team.
- Christmas Fair – Working with the FD Events Students, we will be running a Christmas Fair in the central hall in the middle of November. Students from the college and outside companies will be invited to take a stall at the fair.