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How the Skills for Industry programme has helped progress my career

S F I Flyerupdated2020

Published: 3 August 2020

Student ambassador, Lee Anne, shares her career journey since taking part in the Skills for Industry programme at Belfast Met, and completing a Level 1 Retail course.
“After being made redundant from my job of 25 years, my self-confidence was at an all-time low, and joining the programme helped me realise my self-worth. The staff also helped me to create an amazing C.V, and we talked through interview techniques. I’m now employed in a job that I love.

“The classrooms were lovely and clean with great facilities using the latest technology, and though it felt like a bit like being back at school, it was far more enjoyable.

“The biggest obstacle I had to overcome was my own low self-esteem. Being made redundant at my age and being a single parent was scary. The team on the programme was amazing - I could talk to them about anything. They made me feel very confident and supported; from helping me to apply for jobs to just being at the end of the phone for a chat. I’ve made a friend for life out of it as well!

“I’m enjoying the job I’m in at the moment and was offered a management role. I’m still working hard and continuing to learn something new every day.”

For more details on course options available go the Belfast Met Skills for Industry Facebook page.

You can also contact Joanne for further information or to book your place on a course. Tel: 07976173077. Email:

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