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Belfast Met Staff and Students Donate Generously to Festive Food Bank Appeal


Published: 22 December 2022

Since Covid-19 took over our lives, poverty amongst our students has become a prevalent reality. Throughout the pandemic the College’s Student Wellbeing Team have responded to a significant number of students presenting hungry and in need of the services of foodbanks. The Food Banks responded to every referral instantly, with compassion and understanding and so have truly been a lifeline to our students.

In the run up to Christmas we asked our Belfast Met Community to donate to our Festive Foodbank Appeal, offering our students and staff the opportunity to give back. The response was extremely generous with all collection points, which were located at Titanic Quarter, Millfield, Castlereagh and E3 campuses, inundated with donations to the appeal.

All donations will now be divided up and distributed equally to the South Belfast Food Bank, the North Belfast Food Bank and the Peoples Kitchen. The three Food Banks have also been very appreciative of the generosity shown by our staff and students.

Nuala Boyle, Head of Student Support, Learner Success, said: “My thanks to everyone who has been so been so generous in providing food and festive donations to the Festive Foodbank Appeal. In addition to the donations, I also received several emails from our staff thanking the Students’ Union for the opportunity to give back. It all goes to show that the generosity and compassion prevalent amongst the Belfast Met Community remains steadfast even at this time when we are all struggling.”

Bruce Gardiner-Crehan, South Belfast Foodbank Manager, added: “Thank you so much to Belfast Met and all the campuses that kindly put on a food collection for the South Belfast Foodbank. Food like this means such a huge amount - some clients are having to choose between eating or heating their home, so to offer them vital emergency food essentials can mean the world of difference. Thank you very much to everyone that took part in this food collection. We are so grateful."

To find out how you can continue to help please go to the Food Bank websites detailed below:

If you are struggling this Christmas Time, don’t forget that you can ring the Inspire Wellbeing Counselling Helpline number 24/7 365 days a year:
Students: 0808 800 0032
Staff: 0808 800 0002

For details on all the College’s Student Support Services please click here.

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