Belfast Met Live Skills Showcase

This winter, Belfast Met College are delivering a new Erasmus Live Skills project in partnership with the British Council and a range of educational institutes across Europe.
The focus of the project is boosting skills and employability across the cultural and creative industries sector and particularly in the audiovisual and live performance sectors. More information can be found here:
Through the project, Belfast Met will be piloting three new short courses:
• Arts Management
• Cultural Entrepreneurship
• Digital & New Technologies
Opportunities for creative and cultural sector organisations to get involved:
45 students (primarily from the 18-24 age-group) from Northern Ireland and with previous experience of creative, cultural, and digital industries will be seeking placements within cultural organisations during the month of February 2018 in order to carry out a 4-week project which can be tailored to specific needs or current issues of the host organisation.
How you can benefit:
The course organisers are seeking a minimum of 30 host cultural organisations in NI who will permit a student to work with them to develop a project which will aim to benefit that organisation. There may have a problem or challenge that you don’t have time to focus on or information that needs to be gathered. You may also benefit from someone in the 18-24 age group to come up with solutions or ideas to address a marketing campaign.
Examples of projects could be: make a promotional video for a festival; help plan an event; suggest new ways that would improve ticket sales or increase your audience reach; analyse brand strengths and suggest improvements; design new digital approaches to marketing strategy; research possible sponsors or funders; carry out a short social media campaign…
There are no costs for organisations to participate; insurance for the students will be covered by Belfast Met. Belfast Met will liaise with you directly at all stages of the project.
What we require from you:
We require a commitment to hosting one student for four weeks. You are not expected to mentor or teach the students. However, the student will require two hours per week in order to receive basic direction from an appropriate staff member. The student would be based at your organisation for 30 hours per week.
Information session:
We would like to have host cultural organisations in place as soon as possible, in order to align your organisations’ needs with the right student. You are therefore invited to a Belfast Met Live Skills showcase on 25 October from 12pm to 2pm. A finger buffet lunch will be provided. We recommend you use public transport, walk or cycle to get to the city centre. To attend please register on Eventbrite here -
If you are unable to attend but want to find out more, please email Angeline Kelly, International Projects Executive, Belfast Metropolitan College. Email or telephone 02890 265124