Student Wellbeing
Our purpose is to create an inclusive environment that supports and empowers students. We aim to do this through timely and accessible information. Providing guidance and access to services which will enable you to understand and proactively manage your wellbeing and mental health. We put on emphasis on not just preventing problems and/or seeking help, but promoting positive wellbeing.
Our approach is friendly, confidential and student empowerment focused.
What We Offer
- Pre-entry Advice & Guidance
- Individual Wellbeing Assessments, signposting and onward referrals to specialist agencies
- Curriculum Advocacy
- Health & Wellbeing educational and awareness information
- Student wellness & welfare clinics
Widening Participation
Belfast Met actively encourages students from disadvantaged backgrounds to apply to the College, and offers them support throughout their student journey.
We want to change perceptions and raise aspirations. Having a diverse student population impacts positively on everyone’s learning and development.
If you are from a background that puts up barriers to your education and learning, the Centre for Student Wellbeing would like to hear from you and to help you to overcome the challenges you face.
Please let us know if:
• You are in care, or you have a care experienced background
• You are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless
• You are a single or young parent
• You have had involvement with the criminal justice system
• You have caring responsibilities yourself
Contact Us
You, your tutor or your lecturer can contact us for support with any of the issues listed in this section.
Email: or
Tel: 028 90265108
Student Wellbeing Referral Form