eduroam (educational roaming) is an international roaming service for users in research, higher education and further education. It provides researchers, teachers and students easy and secure Internet access when visiting an institution other than their own.
Here at Belfast Metropolitan College, we offer a Home and Visitor eduroam service.
Home Service (Belfast Met staff and students)
We operate a home service allowing you to connect to another eduroam-enabled institution where you can use your College credentials to connect to the internet via their eduroam service.
Visited Service (Visitors)
Visitors from an organisation that provides an eduroam / service for their staff and/or students should be able to use eduroam at Belfast Metropolitan College.
Before your visit, you should set up your device according to your own organisation’s instructions. Instructions on this page will only work for Belfast Met staff and students.
If you have already configured your device, you should be able to connect to the eduroam wireless network in our Titanic Quarter campus with our other sites coming onboard soon.
Useful information
Before visiting any eduroam institution, you should check to verify that eduroam is available and if so what level of service is provided. In particular, your device should be configured correctly for eduroam before you visit another participating site. There are a large number of eduroam-enabled institutions across the UK. A list of those already participating in the initiative and the level of service they provide for visitors is available here.
Smartphone or tablet users may also find the companion app useful for finding eduroam-enabled sites when travelling. Download it for iOS from the App Store or for Android on the Play Store.
As you install your profile, the wizard will prompt you to enter your username please enter your college email address. For example,
Manual Certificate Installation for Windows RT devices
Windows RT device users, please note - You need to install the certificate manually and you can get it from here. Once it has downloaded open the certificate and select the Install Certificate Button, change the Store Location to Local Machine then press Next.
Select the Radio Button for Place all certificates in the following store. Press the Browse Button and select the Trusted Root Certification Authorities and click OK.
When asked to confirm if you wish to install the certificate click Yes. You now have your certificate installed and can follow the rest of the relevant setup for Windows 8
Acceptable Usage
Whilst using eduroam, you are governed by the College's Acceptable Usage Policy and also the JISC policies.