Career Ready Students Team Building

Career Ready students from the School of Business, Management & Finance attended two Team Building events at Todds Leap and Ardnavalley Outdoor Pursuits centre. The students enjoyed and benefited from the activities in preparation for their 6 week internships with Santander, Citi and Danske Bank starting on 20th June 2016.
The Diploma in Business course provides students with a unique selling point in comparison to staying on at school to complete A Levels, giving Career Ready graduates an edge in career or academic progression. Career Ready is a UK wide charity linking employers with schools and colleges to open up the world of work to young people. A structured programme of study for 16-19 year olds sits alongside students’ school or college coursework. It is delivered by employer volunteers who provide masterclasses, mentoring, workplace visits and internships to help our students compete with the best in the country.
To apply for a Diploma in Business and participate in the Career Ready programme please follow the link the link or contact Belfast Met on:
Email -
Phone - 028 9026 5144