Belfast Met Hosts BLEND4VET Seminar
On Tuesday 19th September, Belfast Met’s E3 Campus played host to a seminar exploring the concept of ‘Blended Learning’, the combining of a blend of traditional classroom based teaching alongside digital and online learning, in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Sector.
‘The Exploring Blended Learning Approaches for VET’ (BLEND4VET) is an Erasmus+ Funded project that saw partners from around Europe come together to explore the processes of moving an existing programme to a new blended model, while also developing a Toolkit to guide other VET providers in adopting the blended approach.
As the project lead partner, Belfast Met welcomed delegates from City of Dublin Education Training Board (Ireland), H2 Learning Ltd (Ireland), Tartu Vocational Education Centre (Estonia), Koning Willem I College (Netherlands) and CIFP (Spain) who attended the seminar to showcase the culmination of the partnership’s two years’ work thorough interactive digital engagement and open panel discussion with the audience.
The aim of the seminar was to document the how the processes and implications that Blended Learning can enhance the practical knowledge of professionals in the VET sector and the benefits it can bring to an institution, its tutors and also its learners.
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