Belfast Met embrace Restart a Heart Day with “Hands Only CPR” demonstrations

Belfast Met embrace Restart a Heart Day with “Hands Only CPR” demonstrations on campus.
Belfast Met hosted a CPR event alongside the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service as part of the annual “Restart a Heart Day” initiative with our Level 2 Health and Social care students giving “Hands Only CPR” demonstrations on campus, where they trained upwards of 300 fellow students, tutors, staff and members of the public.
Cardiac Arrest claims the lives of 90% of people who suffer one, in an out of hospital environment, mostly at home. There are approximately 1500 Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrests in NI every year.
Restart a heart day is an initiative aimed at raising public awareness in, firstly, being able to recognise the symptoms of Cardiac Arrest at the earliest possible stage and, secondly, providing awareness of the basic skills of hands only CPR.
The initiative aims to introduce the public to the concept of “compression/hands only” CPR where people will learn how simple it is and to gain the confidence in making use of a skill which increases the survival chances of a family member, friend or even a complete stranger.
Northern Ireland Ambulance Service Chief Executive, Michael Bloomfield stressed the importance of early CPR, “Once cardiac arrest is suspected, 999 should be called immediately. Trained NIAS staff will provide phone advice and CPR instruction while paramedic help is on its way.
The single most important early intervention is CPR. Hands (compression) only CPR has proven to be effective in increasing the survival rate of the patient. CPR helps maintain blood and oxygen flow through the body until such times as a defibrillator or paramedic help is brought to the patient.
This initiative is aimed at providing people with the skills and confidence to perform CPR in their communities. This will save lives and anyone can do it. I would strongly encourage everyone to take the time to learn CPR. You would be surprised how uncomplicated it is and you never know the moment when you may need it. People should not fear getting involved in resuscitation as, without it, the patient, perhaps a family member, may die.”
Peter Kane, Deputy Head of Estate & FM welcomed this initiative in the College saying “Hands-Only CPR is an important presentation to our students that can empower them to make a difference. We are delighted to be involved in the Restart a Heart Day campaign and to partner with the NIAS on this potentially life-saving initiative."