Autism Organisation Offering Free Workshop to Belfast Met Students
Are you studying for a career in Creative Arts, Digital Content, Animation or Film Production? Develop your talent with Perceptions
In partnership with the Department for Culture, Arts and Leisure and in line with Creativity Month (March 2016), Specialisterne NI are hosting a FREE half-day workshop for Belfast Met students in the Skainos Centre in east Belfast!
Learn to be part of an increasingly diverse workforce and to communicate in future work roles. Develop your talent and learn how to to study and work with a social communication difference such as being on the Autistic Spectrum.
Specialisterne NI is increasingly working with young people across Northern Ireland who seek to develop careers in the Creative, Digital Content, Animation and Film Sectors. Specialisterne also work with employers to welcome the talents of people who have social communication difference. Specialisterne feel that many students with Autism have the skills and qualities suited to these roles and hope that their workshop will inspire individuals to apply for jobs in this sector and develop their confidence in doing so.
The workshop includes role playing of communication scenarios at college/university and/or at work by as well as illustration from actor/illustrator Patrick Sanders. (Participants observe the role plays).Who should attend?
The workshop is aimed at University and College students who are seeking to secure careers in Creative Arts, Digital Media and Film Production. It is open to students who have social communication difference or are on the Autistic Spectrum and students who are interested in finding out more about studying and working with social communication difference.
Specialisterne NI is a specialist recruitment consultancy which works to enable more graduate jobs for individuals on the Autistic Spectrum or who have Social Communication Difference. This programme is financed by the Department for Culture, Arts and Leisure.