Case Study
STEM Summer Camps

Belfast Met opened its doors to budding astronauts, pilots and app geniuses with a new series of STEM summer camps. The free activity camps took place at Titanic Quarter Campus for over 16’s interested in fun experiments involving cosmology, aerospace science and ICT technologies.
Space Camp attendees had a jam packed week full of astronomical activities from building a rocket, to learning about the diverse career paths in space science. They also visited Armagh Planetarium where they met top experts within the field.
Belfast IT Girls offered creative practical workshops and events for girls aged 16-18, to experiment with gadgets and techniques essential for any IT expert – creating apps for Android, designing a bespoke website, and learning how to repair and network PC’s. Participants also had the opportunity to meet the IT industry’s most prominent females who shared their experiences of working in ICT.
Female teachers and lecturers also took part in a free course in C# programming, which is an essential part of computer programming, and a highly sought after skill in the job market.
Jonathan Heggarty, Head of the School of Computing and Electronic Technologies at Belfast Met commented –
“These summer courses are a great opportunity for young people to find fun and inventive new ways to learn about the diverse, creative and innovative world of STEM subjects. STEM camps help young people engage with new technologies, and support our vision to encourage industry relevant learning for individuals to help them progress in a range of many fields. “
Belfast Met are grateful for the support of the Department for Employment and Learning, Invest NI and summer camp sponsors that have supported the delivery of these exciting summer sessions.