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Case Study

Engineering Operations student Joshua talks about the benefits of Skills for Industry


Level 1 Performing Engineering Operations student Joshua, gives his insight into the application process and what he enjoyed about the course.

“I found out about the Skills for Industry programme on Belfast Met’s Facebook page and contacted the College about the course. I was then invited to meet the tutor and to have a look around the workshop. I then completed a taster week to try out the course, as I was unsure at that time about what I wanted to do.

“The flexibility the course offered suited me very well, and I enjoyed the fact that you can work and learn at your own pace. Most of the course is practical, and I found working in the workshop and learning how to use all the tools and equipment, as well as making components to be the most enjoyable parts of the course.

“I also liked the fact that the course is open to a wide age range of people, so the more experienced students were able to support new learners. You get to know everyone in the workshop quickly and it is a very relaxed and fun place to learn.

The College tutor and Skills Support coach signposted us to various other training opportunities such as apprenticeships, so that we could apply for these in a timely manner. I was also given the opportunity to successfully complete my Essential Skills as part of the Skills for Industry course.

I’ve now been offered a place on a Level 2 Fabrication and Welding course starting in September at Belfast Met which I’m looking forward to starting, so that I can further develop the new skills I have learnt so far.”

Contact Joanne for further information or to book your place on a course. Tel: 07976173077 Email:

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