Case Study

The Chief Executive of Electrical Training Trust (ETT), Derek Thompson visited Belfast Met, Millfield Campus, to present copies of the latest edition of the IET 17TH Requirements for Electrical Installations. The funding and supply for the new yellow edition of the book to the college has been granted by the Board of the ETT.
Speaking on behalf of the Board, Derek Thompson said:
“We are very pleased to be in the position to provide this important learning resource for the use of the professional lecturing team at Belfast Met. It will mean a great deal to the current apprentices by ensuring that they have access to individual copies of the very latest edition of the BS7671:2008 standard.”
Belfast Met has been actively working with ETT since 1998 to meet the level 3 apprenticeship training requirements of local electrical contractors. The excellent facilities at the Millfield Campus location are currently being used to train 50 employed apprentice electricians. ETT’s provision of the new IET book to Belfast Met will boost the knowledge and opportunity for success during the forthcoming schedule of assessments.
The Head of Engineering and Construction at Belfast Met, Brian George, shared his comments on the partnership with Belfast Met and ETT:
“Belfast Met is pleased to be associated with a training provider that practices and regulates the best standards of excellence in the electrical and construction industry. ETT sets the high standards in which we train our apprentices and in turn the College provides excellent skilled workers for the construction industry.”
Commenting on the partnership with Belfast Met, ETT’s Chief Executive went on to say:
“The facilities, resources, and commitment of the partnership are clearly focussed on delivering an excellent electrical apprenticeship on behalf of the industry. And this is exactly what employers and industry representatives wish to see.”
The level 3 NVQ Electrical Installation course is assessed by ETT and facilitated by Belfast Met. Belfast Met provide the apprentices with on campus training in the first and second year of their course, followed by a placement with an employer in their third year.