Advice for Parents
Information for Parents
Contact with parents and carers is greatly valued by the College, especially for parents of our students who are aged under 18. Students who are aged 18, or over, must give us their explicit permission to contact parents/carers. If you have a son or daughter aged 18 or over who is at the College we would welcome your encouragement to them to give such permission. It is important that we remain in contact either through parents evenings, telephone or e-mail.
Evenings for Parents and Carers
During the course of the year there will be an opportunity for you to meet with staff if your son/daughter is a full-time student under 18. We would encourage you to accept the invitation to attend these evenings and meet with the teachers.
Student Attendance and Punctuality
The College standard is 100% attendance and punctuality. Failure to meet this standard can affect progress and may have an impact on access to EMA allowances. It could also result in disciplinary action. We would encourage you to let us know if your son or daughter will be absent for whatever reason. You may also be contacted by College staff about absences if they are under 18.
Personal Tutors
Each full-time student is assigned to a personal tutor who will support the learning and progress of your son or daughter. Meetings are held regularly between students and their personal tutors and an Individual Learning Agreement is completed.
Each student will be set regular assignments by their teachers. Some of these assignments are formal and will count towards gaining a qualification whilst others are informal “homework”. Whichever the form of assignment, students are expected to complete and return on time.
Students are expected to have the highest standards of behaviour both on and off the premises. We have a range of policies which relate to this. Find out more about student policies.
Additional support
The College has a range of services to help our students to progress. Find out more about Student Support. Download Student Support Guide for Parents and Guardians
Evenings for Parents and Carers
How will Brexit impact on non-UK citizens studying at Belfast Met?
As events related to Brexit change daily, please refer to the latest UK Government information HERE
For information on the EU Settlement Scheme and settled status CLICK HERE