Widening Participation
We at Belfast Met are committed to widening participation and actively encourage applications from people from disadvantaged backgrounds and work with them to ensure that they get the support interventions they need to be successful in their programme of study. The College is committed to developing links with organisations who work directly with people who are facing barriers to their educational progression
such as young people who:
• Are or have been in care, left or are on the edge of care
• Are carers
• Have a physical disability, learning disability or learning difference
• Have been involved in the Criminal Justice System
• Have a mental health illness
• Suffer an economic disadvantage
• Are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless
• Are single or young parents
If you fall into any of the above categories, we have Learning Support Officers dedicated to helping you:
Jennifer Campbell – Care Experienced
Tel: 028 9026 5097
Email: jcampbell@belfastmet.ac.uk
Tracy McQuillan – Single and Young Parent
Tel: 028 9026 5029
Email: tmcquillan@belfastmet.ac.uk