Case Study
With tailored training in coding, DM innovation develop innovative mobile application

DM Innovations is an innovative product development company based in Belfast. The company wanted to prototype devices and create software that can be used to track objects which a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) tag had been adhered. Potential uses of this technology include, tracking items of value such as keys, handbags or even pets. BLE tags are a little bigger than the watch battery used to power them while allowing the device to be tracked for 1 to 2 years before the battery would have to be changed.
DM Innovations required training in the development of a mobile phone app that enabled location sharing between two or more mobile devices as well as accurate short-range location finding using either Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Belfast Met supported the company by providing mentoring in the area of mobile app development which included instruction mentoring, sample coding and tutorials specifically tailored to the needs of the DM Innovations.
InnovateUs provided the ideal opportunity to bridge this skills gap, through the expertise of Belfast Met lecturer Brian Douglas who has significant experience in app development and teaching on successful bespoke training programmes such as the Deloitte Data Analytics Academy at Belfast Met.
Brian delivered a series of technology tutorials on iOS7 software, how to build a wire framework for app development, the functionality of Bluetooth low energy tags with mobile software and a workshop on how to build Bluetooth low energy related apps.
Michael Little, DM Innovations believes the project has provided great results for the company:“ As a result of getting involved with Belfast Met and accessing bespoke training through InnovateUs we have developed a skeleton application which can be expanded and moulded into a fully functional iPhone app. I’d highly recommend InnovateUs to other businesses wishing to address a skills need to improve their competitiveness through staff development and initiate cost savings.”